We at Daily Grindhouse have long been fans of Izzy Lee, the multitalented director/writer whose surrealistic comedy Meat Friend we featured last year (and which was nominated for a Fangoria Chainsaw Award, among multiple other accolades). Over the course of her career, which has stretched from her politically provocative debut short Legitimate to the laugh-out-loud hysterical Wener Herzog homage The Obliteration of Chickens (a personal favorite behind Meat Friend), there’s been a sort of mantra that’s followed her around: when is someone going to finally give her the opportunity to direct a feature film?

Well, we’re pleased to announce that day has finally come– and Ms. Lee is the one giving herself the opportunity.

In an industry that often fails to recognize talent that’s sitting right there in front of it waiting a big break, it’s sometimes necessary to take the reins and make something happen yourself, and that’s precisely what Izzy Lee is doing with HOUSE OF ASHES, which will be her debut feature film. The film follows Mia, a grieving widow who’s recently suffered a miscarriage in a deeply Red state that punishes women for not carrying fetuses to term. As punishment, she’s sentenced to a year of house arrest, forcing her to sell the clinic she and her husband maintained prior to his death. Confined and bereaved, Mia is disturbed when she notices that items have begun going missing around her house; after her new beau Marc installs a security system, she hopes to discover the solution to the mystery, but the truth may be more disturbing than she’d like to acknowledge…

HOUSE OF ASHES is partially being financed by a Kickstarter campaign, the details and perks of which you can read about here. After having worked so hard and contributed so much to the horror scene, it does our hearts well to see Ms. Lee finally making this move, and we can’t wait to see HOUSE come to fruition. Please consider donating, and stay tuned to Daily Grindhouse for updates on the project as it moves along!

Preston Fassel
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