We are constantly looking for new and different films when it comes to bringing you the best in genre entertainment. Short films are often where you find the most exciting new filmmakers taking chances, yet most audiences don’t seek them out. With that in mind, we will be showcasing a short film each week in an effort to give a signal boost to shorts we enjoy.


The use of video chat in features is a trope that I am already sick of seeing, but co-writers/directors Todd Spence and Zak White manage to take what is usually a hackneyed device and use it to create steadily increasing tension in WHERE IS IT.


Spence and White have crafted a fun, super-short slice of traditional horror that feels like an old urban legend unleashed on characters from a generation who never think to look up from their phones even when they’re in danger.




–Matt Wedge (@MovieNerdMatt)


Matt Wedge
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