THE DAILY RUNDOWN is a quick look at just a few of the cool screenings and film events happening around the U.S. every day. It is not intended to be an exhaustive, comprehensive list, but a sampling of the terrific genre cinema available to check out at your local art house, megaplex, film society, and repertory theaters.


MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017 (All show times are local)


The It Came From ’97 series rolls on at the Alamo Drafthouse in Yonkers, NY with a 35mm screening of THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK at 7:30 pm. Tickets and info can be found here.



The Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, MA is showing the classic game-changer BONNIE AND CLYDE at 7:00 pm. This is a 35mm screening. Tickets and info can be found here.



If you haven’t seen VERTIGO on the big screen, you have denied yourself one of life’s great pleasures. The Alamo Drafthouse in Corpus Christi, TX is showing the film at 8:30 pm. Tickets and info can be found here.



I’m an unapologetic fan of FEMME FATALE, Brian De Palma’s 2002 return to super-stylized erotic thrillers that adhere to nightmare logic. You can catch the master working near the peak of his manipulative powers at Quad Cinema in New York at 9:15 pm. This is a 35mm screening. Tickets and info can be found here.



You can catch the charming, entertaining, and very moving World War II-era Powell & Pressburger fantasy A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH at the Charles Theatre in Baltimore, MD at 7:00 pm. If you have never seen this one, it’s a real treat with one of the greatest opening sequences ever put to film. Tickets and info can be found here.



Truth be told, I’ve never even heard of CROCODILE FURY, but any film that features killer crocodiles that are actually the reincarnated spirits of people is a movie I want to see. You can catch this oddity at the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn at 9:30 pm. Tickets and info can be found here.



If you know of an under-the-radar theater or film society regularly putting together repertory screenings or special events, feel free to let me know on Twitter!

Matt Wedge
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