From director Paul Kyriazi, who you Bastards might know from such classics as OMEGA COP, THE WEAPONS OF DEATH, and NINJA BUSTERS, comes the GODFATHER II of movies about unintelligible Asian women who control mindless killing machines who sport the height of 70s fashion.

Wait. That doesn’t make any fucking sense.

I guess it’s more like the TOUCH OF EVIL of movies about unintelligible Asian women who control mindless killing machines who sport the height of 70s fashion. Yeah, that’s probably more accurate.

Basically, DEATH MACHINES revolves around said Asian woman who controls a small group of brainwashed men who are proficient in various methods of violence and murder. She hires them out to the highest bidder, to carry out their nefarious deeds.

Death Machines

And…that’s about it. There’s no real plot or characterization to speak of. At one point you think this one kid will become the hero, only to witness his ass handed to him by a geriatric drunk (which, by the way, is hilarious). Then you think one of the titular death machines is going to turn over a new leaf and become the hero, but come to find out, he doesn’t. And then the movie ends. Have a nice day, be sure to tip your waitress.

Come to think about it, maybe it’s the CHINATOWN of movies about unintelligible Asian women who control mindless killing machines who sport the height of 70s fashion.

Needless to say, DEATH MACHINES is good stuff.

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